Friday 18 July 2008

At the movies the maker, the film double taker

as i mentioned in a previous posts portland cinema scene is beyond words and so far this is what i've expereince on top of the baghdad:

The second experience of cinemas I had yesterday at work. 'Hooray for Hollywood' a street party celebrating the 82nd birthday of the cinema. I will have some pictures up later but for now I want to say this the whole ting showed the strength of community- all volunteer run/donations of food and drink/street magicians entertaining the kids beer garden for adults and the surrounding retail outlets all opening their doors and agreeing to a three block road closure. I stood from the sno cone machine (where I felt like a true American) and just lapped it up that people would come out to support a cinema.

My third experience so far was again in the SE of portland at a place called Cinemagic:

at midnight after cleaning up from the street party I met Lauren and we went to see the first showing of batman. First of all how a cinema this small could afford a huge blockbuster on its first opening night shows the power of the indie. There is only one screen, its seats no more than 300 people at maximum yet there will still the same energy as the Baghdad which is more likely a +1000 capacity. The film itself was amazing, I won't write too much as most of the people riding this are from back home and I know it doesn't come out until the 25th there but i will say there are some good developments even if the ending is slightly confusing when you already have previous knowledge about certain things from earlier films in the series.

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